Java 072
on August 15, 2018
at 8:00 am
I don’t know how I feel about Java being out and about. I had to draw an entrance to a petting zoo that I’ll probably never use again. And I’ve never drawn Java strolling on all fours away from the camera before. And I had to do like five minutes of research trying to figure out which legs move at the same time.
…I feel that Java might soon face folks trying to pet him… With lethal results…
Wait….. I seem to remember one person at least petting him in the café. Need to read through the past issues.
Java 17. Good eye!
Good work everyone. You are all on your way to becoming Jaguar Fanboys.
Cats, unlike dogs, can pace as well as trot; both legs on the same side moving at once. They don’t do it while walking slowly, balance would be wrong, and they don’t do it when running full out, where they use the same leaping canter that horses and dogs use. But at the middle speeds they will sometimes do the camel thing and pace.
The link I included shows a cat changing from a walking gait to a pacing one as it increases its speed. Bast alone knows how someone got a cat to do this for the camera.
I don’t see the link, Joyce. 🙁 Maybe I’ll try googling “trotting cat” or “cat does runway walk.” I think all previous instances of Java moving is him sprinting or leaping. The one time I remember him walking he was on his back legs, because he was carrying a baseball bat. Anyone remember the scene?
Coffee war day three. Java 48.
(And the link is up there, click Joyce’s name).
Ah… so it is. That looks like my kitty!