Java 092
on January 2, 2019
at 8:00 am
First Java of the new year!
Even faced with imminent starvation, Java refuses to cave in to his principles and drink overpriced, overrated coffee.
First Java of the new year!
Even faced with imminent starvation, Java refuses to cave in to his principles and drink overpriced, overrated coffee.
There’s a good lad. We don’t have $bux in our neigborhood, because it’s that sort of neighborhood[0]. We have three, count ’em, *three* local coffee outlets in a two-block by four block area, one of which hosts a bakery.
[0] neighbors discovered an application for a business license, roused the rest of us, and it was a united “YOU SHALL NOT PASS” at the license hearing at City Hall.
You are a brave lot to stand against the $bux war machine. Well, without a jaguar in your corner.
I have a grudge against Sbux, they drove a good friend out of business. So I avoid going to them when I have a coffee urge.
It happened several decades ago to one of my favorite haunts, too.
Death to the Coffee Harpy!
I call $bux the µ$oft of coffee and µ$oft the $bux of $oftware.