Java #100! Special Double-Sized issue! Well, ok, not really, but a huge milestone for Java Jaguar. Most of you don’t know that I actually quit this strip a long while back after about 25 strips and 70-ish page views. And then from out of nowhere, a random passerby stopped in, read the strip and left a comment! Which inspired me to make one more strip… and also added a note on Java’s banner over at TopWebComics that Java Jaguar would only update from now on when someone leaves a comment. Which led to people actually visiting the site and leaving comments… and since most webcomic artists never make a nickel on their work, we really are working just for the encouraging comments.

I’m not sure if that random stranger ever came back. I don’t know if he realized that when he left that comment, the strip had been largely abandoned for a year (maybe because he never noticed that he left a comment in May 2015 and the last strip was May 2014…). Maybe it was just a jaguar angel from heaven that decided to come down and breather life back into Java. Regardless, thank you kind word from a stranger.

I’m going to go back to doing the online strips in color (and replacing these black and white ones I’ve been experimenting with). I’ll still be trying to black and white some early comics beginning from issue 1 to put together a sample to try to get Java syndicated. If that ever happens, then expect Java to become a daily strip and maybe you’ll be able to find him in your local paper.

In the meantime, I’m beginning on a new life adventure, so I’ve got a lot of busy going on right now. Hopefully it won’t interfere with the weekly updates, but…. no promises. Thank you to all Java fans, especially his many fans in the UK.