Java 190
on January 13, 2021
at 8:00 am
Happy New Year everyone. Not to rub it in anyone’s face, but 2020 was pretty awesome for me. I’ve been happily unemployed except for miscellaneous gigs, been traveling across the country with a beautiful lady, pet-sitting in brand new cities, visited family on both coasts. It was better even at the start of the Covid outbreak when the freeways were mostly empty.
Here’s Matt and Cheri at Lake Keowee (pronounce kee-wee) in South Carolina.\
Everyone, make your new year incredible. Pretty please. I’m asking nicely.
Java should have used that money to help the coffee shop expand.
Yeah, but then I might have to draw a new background…
Borderwolf: hey, we have to keep the fireworks people employed too! Nah, you’re right, it should have gone to his favorite cartoonist or barista.
Unfortunately I’m not even in Java’s top 10 favorites… fickle little feline.