Java 204
on April 21, 2021
at 9:49 am
I said things were just starting to get weird didn’t I? Now we have a new creature claiming to be Java’s father. One with an equal measure of dramatic timing with the lightning bolts and thunder claps. Who will win this paternity battle? Will say that Java is actually part leopard next?
Stay tuned next week as the quest to identify Java’s family… becomes increasingly more convoluted!
3 Kick points to the first person to successfully identify the creature in the blue robes. Must be able to provide evidence for your answer.
I’m guessing a rakshasa. I looked up tiger “headed reversed hands” and apparently they are creatures with tiger heads and in at least one their hands are reversed.
Evidence: on the description has “Distinctions Inverted hands, tiger head”
*at least one version
I missed a word and I don’t think I can edit it
3 Kick Points awarded to Thomas for correctly identifying the Rakshasa! We will learn a bit more about this potential father figure next week.
Kolchak fought one of those in “Horror on the Heights.” We never got to see it in its native form, though.
I thought Rakshasas were from the Mahabharata, or the Upanashads, or the Shruties, or something. Not like, you know, the remnants of the Olmec, Incan, Aztec, Mayan, Yaqui, other South American empires? Hunh, shows you what I know!
Well the definitive guide to Rakshasa is the Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual… :0)
Actually the Hindu version sounds a lot closer to vampires than tiger’s with backward palms.
Is that a rakshasa? He looks like he has the backwards hands for it… *moved from “Java Vs Circus of Terror” comments*
It is indeed a Rakshasa! I moved your post from the comments under the last blog entry. You’re just a few days late on the ID.
I had my doubts with the vampire, but now i am convienced that this is only a side effect of the previous caffeine overdose.