There’s a pretty obvious Easter Egg sitting there. One that Java’s used before.

5 Kick Points to Thomas for correctly predicting that the aliens are Slugs with an odd number of eyes. Okay, technically he said “snails” but slugs are just homeless snails. Actually, I was planning to give 5 Kick Points for every guess and make a whole plethora of aliens in that panel… but Thomas is the only one that made a guess, so he’s the only one that gets any Kick Points. Also, slugs are easier to draw than snails.

What’s actually hilarious, is that there were TWO people that guessed snails. Whenever a new Java page goes up I also post over at to earn some cryptocurrency off my comic. One of Java’s fans over there, @SteevC, also suggested that the aliens were snails. I guess that eye stalk looked particularly snaily.

Next week: All out Alien War!