I think I can stretch this out for about 6 or 7 more strips, what with Java’s super-jaguar lung capacity.

Quickly created a Java Jaguar strip since I was not even close to finishing today’s Kickman page. I know, it’s been over a week now. But actually I did technically complete a Kickman page last week, but it was a Patreon bonus page. I still need to add in a link for it over on the Kick Site and allow anyone to redeem 10 Kick Points to get their own copy of the page, which I am calling “The Virgo Solution.” It is an epilogue to the epilogue of the last chapter.

And I’m probably spending way too much time promoting it here in Java Land rather than in Kick Territory. I’ll get to it later, I’ve just been busy this weekend. I will also be busy working for at least one more week as an art teacher. Not sure what to teach this week. Maybe some color theory.