Sorry, this one made it in late. Yesterday was a long travel day for me. Left the Long Beach Peninsula in Washington. Drove for two-and-a-half hours to the Portland airport. Waited around in the airport for a couple hours. Took a two-and-a-half hour flight to LAX. Jumped on the Flyaway bus for 90 minutes to Van Nuys. Got picked up by a friend at the Van Nuys bus station to his home in Thousand Oaks where the van known as the Javamobile has been parked. Then about an hour and forty minute drive to my current location: Santa Ana.

All of that and not even a John Candy to keep me company.

This strip was actually drawn on the flight. Then colored and worded (wordified?) while on the bus. Which was not easy. I even made that process video on the bus. I just didn’t have any internet access to upload all these things until now.

Next week: Civet Stew!