Hm. Maybe I need to check much more often. Bookmarking this time.
Bus driver. Pffffffft. Yeah, they’re going to need the caffine for that. Still leaves the question of how they got the job in the first place. Yet more proof of their domestication.
Babysitting I could see, but dog walking? I’d like to see how that’d turn out.
I noticed right after clicking the button that there’s a checkbox for getting notified of new posts via e-mail, but you can only enable that by writing a comment….
Does the city bus driver job mean that there’ll be more scenery than just the coffee shop? Exciting!
I used to draw a comic about a frog and a turtle. I made the mistake of including backgrounds. Eventually I got sick and tired of drawing ferns and cattails. The backgrounds took longer to draw than the characters!
Yeah, I’m for more minimalist backgrounds. Just enough lines to convey a sense of the environment without detracting from the characters in the foreground. Also… lazy.
Hm. Maybe I need to check much more often. Bookmarking this time.
Bus driver. Pffffffft. Yeah, they’re going to need the caffine for that. Still leaves the question of how they got the job in the first place. Yet more proof of their domestication.
Babysitting I could see, but dog walking? I’d like to see how that’d turn out.
I noticed right after clicking the button that there’s a checkbox for getting notified of new posts via e-mail, but you can only enable that by writing a comment….
Does the city bus driver job mean that there’ll be more scenery than just the coffee shop? Exciting!
More scenery? I think you need to ask yourself… is there anything really more interesting than the inside of a coffee shop, anyway?
Depends on the coffee shop, I guess.
I used to draw a comic about a frog and a turtle. I made the mistake of including backgrounds. Eventually I got sick and tired of drawing ferns and cattails. The backgrounds took longer to draw than the characters!
Yeah, I’m for more minimalist backgrounds. Just enough lines to convey a sense of the environment without detracting from the characters in the foreground. Also… lazy.