Discrimination. Pfffffffffttt… I mean, Java is the only known talking Jaguar, right? …. right??? This isn’t exposing the cruel dehumanization done to prevent them from speaking or taking jobs, right?!?!?!
Oh, right, it’s a comic. Whew!
“Not in the top 3 bipeds. (Gimme coffee!)” — what, so, you don’t think highly of your (current) sole coffee provider?
Discrimination. Pfffffffffttt… I mean, Java is the only known talking Jaguar, right? …. right??? This isn’t exposing the cruel dehumanization done to prevent them from speaking or taking jobs, right?!?!?!
Oh, right, it’s a comic. Whew!
“Not in the top 3 bipeds. (Gimme coffee!)” — what, so, you don’t think highly of your (current) sole coffee provider?
Java objects to your use of the word dehumanization…
Hmmmmm… I was drawing from my known vocabulary. In that case, what would be a better word to use? We wouldn’t want to upset Java, now would we?
dejaguarization? Doesn’t sound right, but hey, if it pleases Java…
Java is amused by your desire to placate him. [clap! clap!] Bring my guest a scone!
cute, and coffee
Trust me. Java is NOT cute before he’s had his coffee.
Who among us is worth even acknowledging before one has had coffee. Srzly, Coffee!