Only a boor would joke about proper brewing techniques. Of course… I was born in the Year of the Boar.

This Java comic was uploaded using the free WiFi at McDonalds in Thousand Oaks, California. Tomorrow morning I will be driving back to LAX and flying home to a warm bed in Honolulu. It was 40-degrees this morning (Farenheit for my non-US readers). California has been spectacularly (and uncharacteristically) beautiful this past 3 weeks. There were heavy rains for the two weeks before I arrived, and my traveling companion had to keep reminding me that it never looks like this here. Rolling green hills with colorful patches of poppy, trees in bloom, clear skies. Wonderful time.

I will be back at a day job for the next month or two. Then the plan is to take an extended road trip from L.A. to Canada in the summer. Hopefully by then Java Jaguar will be picked up by every newspaper and magazine in the world and become a household name so that I can permanently nomad my way around the world.

In the meantime, you can always support future Java comics by becoming a Patreon supporter. Just click on that big red square over there on the right. Gain access to all the top secret Java art. Best to do it now, rather than wait for it to be included in the print edition 10-year anniversary commemorative publication because that will probably retail for $32.95 and you’ll have to wait for 10 years.

Here’s a sneak peak of some of the Java posters you are missing out on:

Or if you want to help me out financially but don’t have a dime to donate… well it’s against the rules to ASK you to click on the Google Ads on my site… But if you look carefully, I am positive that one of those is something that will be beneficial to your life. After all, Google has been tracking your location and internet/smartphone use for the last 10 years, they certainly know that you need that product/service in the right column….