Java 195
on February 17, 2021
at 8:00 am
Jaguar First Aid!
One of the funniest things I saw on Futurama.
Leela: “We were already at maximum speed! We can’t go any faster!”
Frey: “Can’t go faster? Not even if we throw cheetah blood on the engines?”
It took me about 2 seconds to register what he said, then burst out laughing.
Java seems genuinely concerned, and it is kind of touching that he is willing to give up a unit of his blood to magically heal Matt. That could be a legit origin story for Generic Kung-Fu Superhero Sidekick…
Oh dear, hopefully Matt can heal quickly without the need for jaguar blood.
Jaguar blood makes everything better. Charlie Sheen should have known better than to ingest so much tiger blood.
Jaguar blood may be the panacea we’ve all been waiting for!
It’s like Peter Petrelli blood from Heroes. Or Khan Noonien Singh blood from Star Trek Into Darkness.