Java 209
on May 26, 2021
at 8:00 am
Now there’s a custody battle that no judge wants a piece of.
Who shall claim Java Jaguar as their spawn?
Will he leave the coffee shop to become a megalomaniac ruler of the night?
Or a King of Beasts?
What’s Raphael been up to these days?
Stay tuned to Java Jaguar, as next week… a 3rd party enters the cafe!
Java leave the coffee shop? I don’t think so. I don’t think either of the ‘dads’ sent child support to Java’s mother.
2 dads and they’re both deadbeat! Well, one is UN-deadbeat… oh snap!
I’m sorry but the family court in hell most probably won’t award custody to either of them. The first claimant’s suit won’t see the light of day, and the second’s being sued by Bollywood for breach of contract.
3 Kick Points to Geneseepaws for “light of day.”