Java 212
on June 16, 2021
at 8:00 am
Add “resistance to glowy eye mind control” to Java’s list of super-human… uh, super-feline abilities.
Java Vs Vampire Vs Rakshasa! I always thought that boxing would be a lot more interesting if there were three boxers at a time. Or if it were a team sport. For example, let’s say you’re allowed to have a total of 500 pounds worth of boxer on your team… do you go with three middle weights or two heavies and a midget? Strategizing is as important as boxing skill. Then it’s a free for all… and enough with these so-called “rounds.”
Next: The Fur Flies!
Yeah, Matt is doing the right thing by waiting outside. Will he take a coffee and a scone to have while Java stomps the ‘fake fathers’?
Matt’s no dummy. He will take one drink outside with him… (details on that in three episode).
Ok, first off, Java may not be impervious to glowy-eye mind control. It may be that having two competing glowy-eyed sources causes them to cancel each other out.
Second, I have a hard time believing Java would sanction an epic battle inside the coffee shop. Who knows how long the place will be closed for repairs afterwards? His supply of coffee and scones is in danger!
Third, do vampires have fur?
Unless… rock paper scissors, anybody?
That is an interesting theory, but wouldn’t Java just have to obey the last person who glowy-eyed him? I think it’s just that Java has a high Wisdom stat and made his saving throw easily.
Java doesn’t have a firm grasp on cause and effect. Also, he did once drive a bus through the front door. He’d just expect Matt to come up with an alternative way to make him coffee and scones.
According to a Google search the only vampire with fur is Bunnicula! Bunnicula is a children’s novel series written by James and Deborah Howe, featuring a vampire rabbit named Bunnicula who sucks the juice out of vegetables. I am NOT making this up!
I remember that being read back when I was in elementary school, and besides that there were a few other pets that talked as the main characters (though I don’t recall Bunnicula talking) and there was, at some point, a visit to the vet. It probably makes more sense in context, but the context probably doesn’t make much sense without its own context.