Java 365
This is the 365th Java Jaguar strip. Meaning if I had been publishing one strip a day, like Garfield, this would be just one year’s worth of comics instead of like my entire adulthood.
Unless of course, I started publishing Java during a Leap Year, in which case, next week’s comic would be one year worth of comic strips, so maybe I’ll have another go at venting about slow progress next week.
Any of you even remember that Java used to drive a Porsche? He lost it somewhere in the forests of Bolivia back in Java #87 on November 28th in the Year of our Lord… 2018.
In the meantime, good thing that Java’s Porsche still smells like jaguar and coffee so that our mysterious cloaked figure now has a way to track him across the continent…
Stay tuned!
Car looks pretty good for being abandoned for years.
Then again, Cloak Guy looks about ready to slash out whatever resale value is left.
For reals, I will die laughing if the next scene is him driving down the highway.
Will he have fahr’n, fahr’n, fahr’n, auf der Autobahn in it?
Shoulda been a jaguar. Just sayin…
Anyone else getting Vader vibes from that last quote? I’m not sanguine about his chances of success, with that line in the offing. (Star Wars, Ep. 4: trench run, right before Han shows up & blasts Vader’s wingman.)