Being a jaguar and being a pig are not mutually exclusive. Shame on you, Java! Good thing Gayle wasn’t around to see or hear this, she would give him such a spritz from that water bottle.

This week’s Java Jaguar strip was written, drawn and uploaded from… Okay, I’ve actually forgotten the name of the city I’m in… hold on (checks Google maps) …from Laguna Niguel, California!

I actually have no more Java strips in my writing queue at the moment. And I haven’t answered any Java Mail for a while. So I’ll take some questions from fans if anyone has a burning hole in your knowledge compartment that you need to be filled. Just leave your questions in the comments. Be sure to include: your name, and city (check Google maps if you are not sure where you are). And keep your question short enough that I can fit it into a single speech bubble.

Thanks, all!