Java 357
I just realized as I was uploading this strip that it’s number 357. I totally should have had some kind of gun gag.
For those who haven’t heard, this is real news. Probably the first real news that orange-shirt guy has ever read off his phone. (Did I ever give this guy a name?”)
Some clown in the WEF was talking about how many tons of carbon coffee crops produce. Which doesn’t make sense to me, since coffee is a plant and a plant consumes carbon from the atmosphere. So I’m guessing it’s the harvesting and roasting which causes the carbon output, but is that taking into account the carbon it first absorbed to grow? Also, apparently “cooking food” accounts for one-fourth of all man-made carbon emissions, so the WEF will probably soon announce that feeding humans is illegal.
No meat!
No cooked foods! No bread, no rice, no oats!
Well, OK I guess.
The population must eat bugs!
If you say so.
No more coffee!
We will rise up and kill all of you evil overlords!
That, my friends, is what is known as, “the straw.”
Oh, and by the way, if you haven’t already, go over to the Kickman page and vote in the latest Q-Rating Poll for your favorite Real Superheroines of Hive Valley!
Reason #992748 why the WEF and everyone associated with it are a bunch of Evil Bastards who should be shunned and disregarded at the very least…
After speed running the archive, this character is not named in any of his appearances. He does drink decaf though.
Boycott Coffee??? Are the #*^%+@$ insane???
It’s bad enough that we need the drug to keep up production, but now they want to take away the drug!?
Congrats on making top 10 webcomics Matt!!!