Java 360
on June 13, 2024
at 5:00 am
Something wicked this way comes, out of Amazonia. Prime hunting grounds for jaguars and growing region for all sorts of coffee varietals.
Is this some threat from Java’s mysterious past?
Or does Dingo Jack have a Latin American cousin looking to nibble on talking jaguar to gain his power?
Find out sometime in the indefinite future.
[Edna]NO CAPES!![/Mode]
That is no cape, that there is a CLOAK!
I have a feeling it’s the Amazon Delivery Guy, he has a parcel for Java.
Good guess! Why on Earth he decided to deliver it on foot from a distribution center in Argentina… who knows.
Maybe he needed the exercise Matt?
Seems the WEF Coffee Ban storyline ended fast. Too Fast….
The WEF knows it could not survive a sustained war against Java.