Java 361
on June 20, 2024
at 5:00 am
His jaguar sense is tingling…
This is way more than just “spider sense(tm).” Spider-Man would never detect someone searching for him in South America. This is more like Captain Mar-Vell, back when he was a dude, who had “Cosmic Awareness.” Which sounds like, way, way, better… until you realize that Mar-Vell is dead and Spidey is still alive.
Oh, well. Something is coming for Java. But it’ll be a long trek on foot. The mysterious cloaked figure should be here around episode 680.
Stay tuned!
Wow is Java mellow today. No reaction to the scones being late?
He’s mellowing in his old age. Wait, now I have to look up how long jaguars live.
I think you meant to say “Wow is Java Decaf today”. Although decaf can be bitter….
I couldn’t cope that well with late scones. Java has marvellous self control.