Java 367
on August 1, 2024
at 5:00 am
Lens flare! We have lens flare!
I am shocked, shocked I say… that no one called out this dramatic entrance ahead of time.
After all, there were hints to be had…
Java 362:
Java 364:
And of course Java 365:
And of course that roar sounded exactly like a half-demonic tiger, right?
If you are new to the strip and haven’t been following his adventures for years, then you may need to go back and review from Java #199, which was the first dramatic entrance into the coffee shop.
Coming up next: Some dramatic smack talk followed by the battle of the century!
Apparently, talking stunts Jaguars.
Nah, he is still just a youngster. When he is full-gown, Lucian will be like… 3′ 4″ tall.
I thought he was another Rakshasa!
I’ll hazard a guess for Spoiler Kickpoints – Lucian Bloodsword was sired by the vampire and Rakshasa that Jaguar fought back in the day.
Whoops. Forgot the login information. That’s my guess. 🙂
Now I look like a fool. You already spoiled this in the commentary. 🙂
I do not fault you. Things become confusing for a wizard who can see into the future and past. Same as with Dr. Manhattan, the present is still a surprise.
Wizards… are vulnerable… to information… overload.
>Looks at the media
You’ve got it rough 🙁