Sadly, the slap was just the set-up for the power uppercut… with claws.

I wanted to actually start a Reddit discussion on this ahead of time, because I am sure that would generate some amazing controversy on the internet and I would have some great tidbits to share. But it’s been years since I’ve used Reddit and they changed the format and I’m too curmudgeonly to try to figure out how to make a post in r/DnD. Notice I didn’t say, too old. Just too curmudgeonly. I think I’m using that word correctly.

Back when I was involved in organized gaming, I was the “Scribe,” one of the officers for our gaming group in Oahu. I published the monthly newsletter and one of the features was a “rules pop quiz challenge” for D&D 3rd edition (because it was brand new back then). We also had an event called the “Living Arena” where players created their own gladiators and fought in a free-for-all against all the other players. Because of this, I had to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the rules. But lately, I much prefer rules-lite gaming. I can’t be bothered to read three new textbooks just to play a game.

I think that makes me curmudgeonly.