I was thinking of launching a spin-off, horror series called JAVA DARK. It begins with Dingo Jack ambushing Lucian on his way back home. Dingo of course wants to eat him to gain his powers, being an expert on the “talkies.” During a boomerang-throwing beatdown of poor Lucian, Dingo starts to monologue and Lucian commiserates about not having any vampire or Rakshasa powers. At which point, Dingo–being Dingo–tells him that he has not unleashed his powah because he has not drank human blood nor tasted human flesh. At which point Lucian bites a chunk out of Dingo Jack and becomes a super-powerful Vampire-Rakshasa-Jaguar mega-horror!

Dingo Jack will of course escape to provide comic relief in future Java Jaguar strips. Meanwhile Lucian Bloodsword begins his purge of all of his enemies in both South America and the Beast Dimension. I guess he’ll also start drinking coffee, just so it makes sense to keep Java in the title. Maybe I should probably explain where that red sword came from.

Anyway, just spit-balling ideas here. Maybe I’ll outsource it to another artist. I’ve got enough going on I think.

Oh, hey! It just occurred to me that if instead of Fantastic Feline Four I wanted to create a Feline Force Five, another member of the team could be that Japanese prosperity cat on the pastry case. He would just be like a really, really fragile Cat Golem that only communicates with pawspeak.

Today’s Java Jaguar was uploaded from the Starbucks in Berkeley, California. But that’s only because I’m ahead of schedule and am uploading this on Monday morning. By the time the rest of you read this (in the future!) I will have already started a 2-week Cava-Doodle sit in American Canyon, California. American Canyon is part of Vallejo, but Vallejo has a reputation, so American Canyon calls themselves American Canyon to separate themselves from Vallejo. That is your Geography lesson for today.